Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Tricks and Water Hose Pics

These days, it seems like Jack is doing something new ALL the time. Just this week he said "momomomomom" for the first time. It made me want to cry it was so sweet. Of course he has no idea yet what mom or mama means, but it was still oh so very cute!

That very same day he decided that he wanted to do his weird version of crawling. It usually goes a little something like this: start out flat on his tummy, reaching and stretching as far as he can, then he'll push off the carpet just with his toes until he is in a bear crawl on his tippy toes. Then he's up on his hands and knees scooting forward and then PLOP right back down on his tummy. It's quite the experience to watch. SOOOO funny. He hasn't really figured out how to move his arms AND move his legs at the same time, so he usually just ends up inch worming to get where he wants to go.

This week, Jack also said "dadadadadad." Also adorable.

We also discovered that he LOVES to wear his grandpa's baseball caps. He is so proud of himself when he gets one on. He will be really still and balance the hat on his head with this huge smile on his face. This is a HUGE change from when he was a new baby and really disliked wearing anything on his head.

Another new trick Jack learned this week is assisted walking. He loves when we hold his hands and walk behind him. Jack likes to go faster than his little legs will take him and he laughs and talks the entire time we walk with him.

Jack is such a funny little guy and he's growing so quickly. It's so fun to watch him change.

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