Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back to Bloomington

Since we've been back in Bloomington, life has been bliss. Since Gordy's internship is over, and school hasn't started yet, we spend our days together as a family. Usually our day goes a little something like this: wake up, feed Jack, exercise, put Jack down, I clean while Gordy applies to jobs, Jack wakes up and we go for a walk or to the pool or both... See? I told you it was bliss. I love that we've had so much time together. I'm really going to cherish this time because I know Gordy is going to be super busy this school year. I love that we've had extra time to swim and play with Jack.

We took him to Olcott Park the other day. Jack had such a good time. We were the only ones there, so Jack could play on whatever he wanted. He absolutely loved the swings and this chain net Gordy found.

We've also found some time to go to the farmer's market (aka my happy place). Oh, I love it there so much. Fresh flowers, beautiful produce, live music, a wide diversity of people... and I'm talking everyone from the Amish to hippies.... It's just the perfect place (not to mention that it's free if you don't actually buy anything).

Jack loves to go and look at all the dogs...

Last week there was an heirloom tomato sampling that was open to the public. All the vendors set out their tomatoes so that the public could sample them. I had no idea that there were so many varieties and that they could all taste so different. It was so fun. Yet another reason why I love to go there.

Anyway, like I said these last few weeks have been heaven. The weather has started to feel slightly fallish outside which makes me so excited for fall time activities, but it's still warm enough in the afternoons for swimming... basically life is perfect.

We're getting really excited to head to Utah next week for Stevey's homecoming!

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