Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lazy Days

This past month has been really relaxed. Gordy hasn't been in work or in school, so we are both at home just hanging out with Jack while he recovers from his surgery. It has been really nice to have this time together as a family to just do whatever we want to do.

Jack is doing great! He only had a few rough days when we got home because his sleeping schedule was so messed up from being in the hospital and nurses/doctors checking in on him every 5 seconds... He is on a new nap schedule now and is such a happy little camper. He honestly is the sweetest, happiest little guy around. It's a miracle how quickly he has recovered. He has been off all pain meds (including children's Tylenol) for about two weeks now! He is developing a healthy appetite too. If our bathroom scale is correct Jack has gained close THREE pounds in three weeks! He is weighing in at close to 15 lbs now which FINALLY puts him back on the charts in the 5th percentile. It's amazing that repairing his heart defect could help him burn less calories and put on more weight! He still has more to gain obviously, but he's headed in the right direction and we couldn't be more thrilled. I also think that he has grown longer too, so I'm excited to get his stats when we have his post surgical follow up appointment next week. His incisions are looking great too!

While all of this has been happening, we got some good news... GORDY GOT HIS GRADES IN! He would think it unprofessional if I posted them for the entire world to see, so I'll just say this: He did much better than he expected! He worked so hard this year and he had a lot on his plate with having a new baby and dealing with Jack's health problems on top of being in his first year of law school. In case you didn't know, just one of those things is stressful enough to make your head spin... AND he still managed to do really well! I would have been so proud of him no matter what his grades were, but the fact that he did so well is just a cherry on top of our year. Said shortly, my husband is brilliant.

So this has been a month of waiting...waiting for Jack's follow up appointment so we can go to Florida, waiting for grades.... SO to help us pass the time we've been doing some fun things. We went to the Louisville Temple with the Rickey's and then to our traditional Louisville restaurant, Mark's Feed Store, for the BEST wings you have ever had in your entire life.

We've been working on a T-shirt quilt made of some of the T-shirts Gordy kept from high school, his mission, and college. It's been fun to work on something like that together. Gordy has been a great help with measuring, cutting, and pining while I do all of the sewing. It's starting to come together and I think it's going to look really nice.

We've also been exploring some trails around Bloomington. There are some really nice trails here. Jack obviously thinks so....

We went to a park with Mitchell and the Leavitt's to have a Memorial Day picnic. The park was owned by T.C. Steele who was an amazing artist. His original house and two studios are still standing. It was really beautiful there and you could definitely see that he drew a lot of inspiration for his paintings from the beautiful Indiana landscape.

This last week in Bloomington before leaving for our internship in Florida will be filled with doctors appointments and packing. We are so excited to finally get our summer plans started!

1 comment:

Stevey's fam said...

Beautiful and blessed family! That's what happens with hard work and righteous living and I mean it when I say you guys are two of the hardest working and most righteous people I know. I am thankful for you, little Wilson family.