Sunday, June 19, 2011

Jack, 7 Months

Jack is 7 months old! He actually has been for a week now, but we've been busy having fun in Florida, so it's been difficult to actually sit down and do a blog post. I know, I know I'm slapping myself on the wrist. So much has been going on and I haven't been the teensiest bit good about documenting it. I'll have to do my best at playing catch up.

Anyway, back to what I was saying about Jack. He is now 7 months old! Here is the highlight reel...

7 Month Stats:
Height: 27 in ..... 25th percentile
Weight: 14 lbs 11 oz .... 3rd percentile
Head Circumference: ______ ..... 50th percentile

Jack has fully recovered from his surgery! All that's left are two tiny little scars on his chest that just look like a cat scratch. It's amazing how well he has healed.

Jack put on TWO POUNDS in one month! Now that his heart is not pumping harder than it should, he is burning less calories and is able to pack on the pounds (much to our relief and delight). Before his surgery he wasn't even on the charts for weight. Now, at least he is back on the chart and still gaining.

Jack LOVES peas. Every time we give him a bite of peas he makes a little sound that sounds like he's saying "yum". It's the cutest little thing.

Jack HATES carrots. He makes a stink face every time I try to feed him carrots. He has even gagged and thrown them up. The research I've done says just keep exposing them to foods even if they don't like it, so that's what we are trying. Sometimes the only way I can get him to eat the carrots is if I mix them up with peas. Such a funny little guy.

Jack is still not crawling, but he is scooting a little. It's so funny to watch him move around. He is really good at pivoting around on his tummy. He can spin all the way around.

Jack went swimming for the first time this month. He was in heaven.

This month, Jack has been making the transition from nursing to formula. He has tolerated it very well.

If I give Jack a loud lip-smackin' kiss, he sometimes tries to imitate the kiss noise by clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Jack does NOT like to sit still. I mean at all. He always wants to move around climb all over who ever is holding him or wiggle on the ground. This means he HATES being in the car seat. Actually hate probably isn't a strong enough word. He loathes it.

Jack is SUPER social. He loves being around people and is getting used to being around large crowds (which he can't avoid while we are in Florida because of our large family).


Laura said...

That's so funny about the peas and carrots! Ella gagged on peas, but she loved carrots. Each kid is so unique! I love all of Jack's smiles - he is SUCH a happy baby!

Heather said...

Ahhh I miss that little guy! He is such a cute and happy little boy! I can't wait for lots of play dates in the fall!