Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jack, Four Months

So, our little guy is four months old today! It's so hard to believe we've had him for a 1/3 of a year already! Why is it that pregnancy time drags on, but baby time flies by? Jack is such a sweetie and he is developing such a cute little personality! I know every parent says this, but he really is such a joy to be around. I think he is probably the sweetest, most mellow baby on the planet.

Here are his stats from his 4 month checkup:

Head: 43cm... 75th percentile
Height: 25in... 50th percentile
Weight: 12lbs 6oz... 10th percentile

A comment or two about his stats. Yes, his head is on the larger end of the spectrum, but that's only because he is so brainy! The doc said Jack is a month and a half ahead of his age developmentally, so that puts him at a 5.5 month old level. That's really saying something when you are only 4 months old! Point number two: yes, it is rather shocking that Jack is measuring at an average height, especially considering who his parents are.... Point number three: yes, despite being in the 10th percentile for weight I am still feeding him. He actually is still eating every two hours during the day! His little heart just pumps harder to keep up, so he burns more calories than most babies do. The doctor said his weight should sky rocket after his surgery.

Speaking of surgery, we finally got a date on the books for Jack's heart surgery, May 12th.

Some fun things about Jack this month:

1. His favorite toy is his yellow giraffe stuffed animal that plays twinkle twinkle little star. His face lights up when you give it to him. Then he kind of yells at you if the music stops playing. He likes to fall asleep snuggling the giraffe's neck.
2. His favorite book is My Cuddly Cloth Dinosaur. The colorful pictures captivate him every time. Since it's made of cloth he also likes to snuggle with it.
3. Aside from his mom and dad, Mitchell is his most favorite person. It doesn't matter how tired, how hungry, or how bad of a mood Jack is in, Mitchell can always get a smile or a laugh out of Jack.
4. Surprisingly, Jack loves tummy time. Yes, he grunts and makes funny noises when he is on his tummy, but if I roll him back onto his back he immediately tries to flip back on his tummy. He can roll from tummy to back and back to tummy.
5. His collar bone is ticklish.
6. He is starting to try to go up on his knees during tummy time, so I don't think it will be too much longer before he is scooting around.
7. He can grasp objects intentionally. I love to watch him follow his hand to his toy, slowly unclench his fist, and then wrap his little fingers around things. He is particularly interested in grabbing the top of Gordy's head and my lips.
8. Jack loves to look at himself in the mirror. He thinks he is the greatest thing, and I happen to agree.
9. He loves to talk, except his talking is usually in high pitched squeals of delight and motor boat lips. Sometimes, Jack tries to imitate us by cooing when we sing or talk to him. This is my favorite thing he does.
10. Jack is working on being able to sit up for a few seconds at a time on his own.


Al and Ash said...

Happy 4 month baby Jack! He is so so cute :) I think Ty has the same giraffe that sings twinkle twinkle little star. The good news is he is almost 10 months and still loves it :)

And heart surgery? Whoa. We will be praying for you guys.

Keep updating :)

Mom n Pop Wilson said...

Yeah for Jack!

The Westfalls said...

So stinkin' cute!!!